EchoSensor DBFS

With EDBFS, the server is the database.

Why a Database File System?

EchoSensor Database File System (EDBFS) is a feature of EchoSensor that makes it easier for manage files stored in the database.
With this interface, access to files in the database is no longer limited to programs specifically written to use BLOB and CLOB programmatic interfaces.
Files in the database can now be transparently accessed using any operating system (OS) program that acts on files.

The major components of IoT(Internet of Things) environment are IoT devices rather than the conventional desktop computers.
One of the intrinsic characteristics of IoT devices is diversity in view of data type and data access method.
In addition, IoT devices usually deal with real-time data.
In order to use such IoT data for internal business or cloud services, an IoT platform capable of easy domain management and consistent data access interface is required.
EchoSensor offers a virtual "EDBFS" file system that connects IoT devices.
You can manage IoT domain with Echo-Storage APIs like E_list, E_find, E_read.

API Reference

For links to the EchoPortal Infrastructure API reference and a list of the API endpoints, see

API Configuration

For links to the EchoPortal API settings, see